Have you ever needed some websites where you can get some stock images for FREEπ?
Let me introduce you some websites. Where you can get FREE Stock Images π.

Pexels is one of the largest free stock images provider. By providing free stock photos Pexels helps millions of creators all over the world, to easily create beautiful products and designs. β€

Unsplash provides stock images shared by its local contributors. The interesting factor about Unsplash is that, we can get stock images of Kerala also. Unsplash has Over 1 million free high-resolution images brought to you by the worldβs most generous community of photographers. πΈ

Like all the stock images providers, Pixabay has a great collection of stock which gives you access to over 1.7 million photos, illustrations, vector graphics, and videos. The API of Pixabay is so powerful, that we can install the Pixabay WordPress plugin in our WordPress website and have images imported hassle-free π

Unlike all the stock vendors, FreePhotos.cc provides a Search for any topic using the search box (e.g. “Dogs”, “Flowers”, etc.), where you can browse results and download. FreePhotos.cc uses the APIs from a few stock photo providers and gathers images in one place for easy preview and download. We are not associated with these services in any way, other than to power search results. So basically it works like a Search Engine for Stock Images π

Last but not the least.
StockSnap is an another free stock images provider. And as their websites quotes
“Whether you’re building a business website, creating a print brochure, crafting a digital or magazine ad, or some other brilliant creative project, you know that a great image helps your content transcend “good” and become “great.” Compelling, eye-catching, attention-grabbing work on the web especially needs sharp, arresting visual images to succeed. That, in essence, is why StockSnap exists.” π
End Notes : In this free stock images websites my personal favorite is always Pexels. π
And most of my search for FREE Stock Images with these websites π.
Hope you will also find this article helpful.β¨
Oh! Do you know some websites to suggest?
Have it in the comments. β It would be happy to hear from you.
If you have to clear some doubts using stock images, Don’t hesitate contact me
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