Sudeep S

a technological enthusiast working on the codes and designs since 2010, A hardcore WordPress lover & passionate entrepreneur.
Born on 1995, October 20th. Completed The bachelor’s degree in English Language and Literature from NSS College, Ottapalam on 2016.Wait! You are still wondering how a Language and Literature guy came into a technological world!!! It would definitely be unfair if you even had that thought. If Ravinder Singh, the Sr. Program Manager at Microsoft left his job to become a full-time author. And Chethan Bagath who worked as an investment banker chose to become a Writer, Tovino Thomas who had completed his Engineering degree thought of becoming an Actor & like every other Engineering Graduates who left their Engineering career just to become what they wanted to be by pursuing their ambition, I too wished to be an Engineer without an Engineering degree.!!! What’s wrong with that? I believe in my talents which always help me to learn more and more in a short span of time. Whether it’s a device or software! Hmm I know it’s quite a common talent with many people. But I differ from them because I express my love for engineering.
How dare you ask me that! Hmm…
Yeah it’s true that I didn’t take an engineering degree for pursuing my career even though i wished to be an Engineer, You might think that it would be the biggest mistake i would have ever made.

But do you know something, It’s my decisions and education which made me as strong as this and which helped me to work on practical’s more than working on theories. I agree that i might not fit in a bud of talented engineers but i am pretty sure that they won’t have enjoyed learning computer in my manner. Doing it by myself helps me more, and more and more to experience the results and to get the expertize. Infact i came out from mixed results of Failure and Success. !!!
And about my family, Born as the only son of Sathish Kumar and Gangadevi, A god and a goddesses who blessed me, cured me, protected me, loved me, hatted me, hugged, kissed, slapped, loved, and on and on… Wait! Did I say that I am the only son!!! No…!!! I have sisters and brothers all around me. Take you, you are also my buddy. CHEERS!!! I don’t like to be known as an only son.

I was born and brought up in Palakkad District but in various places. My birth was on Walayar, the border of Palakkad and when I was 5 my father got a transfer and we have shifted to Olavakkode, Near the Palakkad Railway Junction. It was quite a nice time while I stayed there but as my father got another departmental transfer from the Forest Department to the Co-operative Department we again shifted to Ottapalam, the film city of Kerala.
Need to know more?
Drop me a mail and let us meet somewhere with some coffee cups.